Monday, August 25, 2008

Poor Guys

After a fitful night, Drew woke up sick this morning. The poor little guy is suffering from a stuffy, runny nose and cough. He's still smiley so he's not being bothered too much but he keeps rubbing his eyes and nose and is exceptionally cuddly this morning. For any of you who know Drew, he has never been a cuddler. He's always been go, go, go. Since he wants to cuddle now, you know he isn't feeling good. I've spent the last two weeks with ear and sinus infections and was hoping that Drew wouldn't get any of it. Unfortunately that isn't the case.

My big guy is also suffering this morning. Yesterday when Mitch was picking things up at the hotel getting ready to load the car he threw his back out. It was a pretty painful ride home for him and this morning he is still not doing very good. He's getting ready right now to go to the chiropractor so hopefully that helps him. I hate seeing both of my men suffering.


Kristen said...

I hope they both feel better soon!

Emily (Blue Chair Blessing) said...

Kaeden was never a cuddler either, but when he was sick he would only want mommy! I can totally relate to that. He also had plenty of ear infections - no fun! Keep the tylenol going!!!! =)