Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Drew!!!!

My how fast a year can go. It seems like just yesterday I experienced 36 blissful hours of labor only to have a c-section. Yes you may be sensing a bit of bitterness left from the whole experience. Today is supposed to be a wonderful day to celebrate our baby turning one. Instead, Drew is sick, sick, sick. First he was sick on Christmas and now on his birthday. He really needs to pick his illness days better.

So, yesterday when I picked Drew up from daycare she said that he had a weird day. Apparently he fell asleep on the floor at 11:30 which is something he has NEVER done before. She took him back to his room where he slept for 3 hours. The poor kid didn't get lunch until 3:00 PM. On the way home he fell asleep again which he never does. All of this was after he had gone to bed at 7:00 the night before so you would have thought he was properly rested. After we got home he was pretty crabby. He felt a little warm but he didn't seem to have a fever or anything.

Today is a work day so I had to wake Drew up this morning. When I walked into the room I was shocked by the site. I won't give you the details but will say that he threw up sometime early this morning and didn't let us know. There has been one more episode so far this morning and I'm not holding out much hope for the rest of the day. He's down for a nap right now so I'm hoping he feels better when he wakes up. I know it's no fun to be sick on your birthday. Luckily he's still too little to know what's going on.

Happy Birthday Drew!!!!


Heath said...

Happy Birthday, Drew!!
What a rough way to spend it. :(

Hope he feels better soon!!

Kristen said...

oh poor kiddo!