Monday, April 20, 2009

Something so wrong

Yesterday we were getting Drew's lunch ready. Mitch has warmed up the beef and vegetable soup and I was getting him some yogurt. It was a new container of yogurt, but when I opened it something didn't look right. I smelled it and it seemed fine but something about the way it looked just didn't seem right. Like a good mom, I decided I should taste it before serving it to Drew. OH MY GOODNESS....IT WAS DISGUSTING!!!! I started screaming and spitting it into the sink. I wasn't happy about having that nasty curdled stuff in my mouth but at least I tried it before I gave it to Drew.


Paige said...

did you take it back to the store?! Because I would have!

Danielle said...

No because I had to get groceries that day during lunch so I had taken a cooler with me. I had to stop at mom and dad's that night and so it sat in the cooler for a really long time. By the time we got home the cooler apparently wasn't cool enough any more.