Monday, April 20, 2009

Something so wrong

Yesterday we were getting Drew's lunch ready. Mitch has warmed up the beef and vegetable soup and I was getting him some yogurt. It was a new container of yogurt, but when I opened it something didn't look right. I smelled it and it seemed fine but something about the way it looked just didn't seem right. Like a good mom, I decided I should taste it before serving it to Drew. OH MY GOODNESS....IT WAS DISGUSTING!!!! I started screaming and spitting it into the sink. I wasn't happy about having that nasty curdled stuff in my mouth but at least I tried it before I gave it to Drew.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This dang foot

A couple years ago I broke my foot. I did not know this at the time though and am not sure how it happened...just one day it started hurting. I would try stretching it out and massaging it but to no avail. Then last summer I finally decided to go to the doctor. He turned out to be a real quack so after four months of his service I quit going. He was not helping at all and the pain was getting worse. A month ago my misery was at an all time high so I decided I needed to take care of this once and for all. I found a doctor in the yellow pages and called. At my first appointment, he did an x-ray and informed me that I didn't really break it - I destroyed it. The bone pieces have separated and look really bad although the bone isn't dead yet which he said is a concern for that bone b/c of its limited blood supply. He put me in a walking boot which I have now been wearing for four long weeks. It's starting to feel better but I am experiencing other problems due to wearing the boot. I don't have a shoe that is the same height as the boot so I'm lopsided when I walk around. When I'm at home, I go around barefoot on my good foot which really causes a height differential. This is causing great pain in my hips and lower back. The boot is also causing weird indentions on my leg which are starting to hurt. Next, I'm going to try some bone stimulator thing. I have to wait for them to clear it with my insurance company first which I guess usually takes about a week. So I'll have at least three more weeks in this thing. If it doesn't get all healed back up we're probably going to opt for surgery and remove the bone. That sounds scary and promising all at the same time. At least I have a positive out of this....due to my inability to walk around very well, I got a handicap parking permit for six months. That has really helped me out at work and when I have to run into a store quick.