Monday, July 06, 2009

Glorious Bug Bombs

When we got back from our trip to Dallas we arrived home to a house infested by earwigs and other creepy crawlies. Earwigs are so nasty and they have been everywhere in our house. I kill about five at a time which totally grosses me out.

While we were going to be gone for the 4th weekend we decided it would be a good time to try and bomb the house. We got the van all packed up on Friday morning and Drew and I headed outside. Mitch stayed behind in the house and set off three bug bombs. He walked out as the house filled with poisonous smoke and the smoke detectors blaring. Upon our arrival home on Sunday we found no bugs crawling around. It was so great to only see dead little bodies lying around. I love dead bugs!!!


Kristen said...


Paige said...

Did you miss the part on the instructions where it said to unhook your smoke alarms? haha