Friday, May 30, 2008

Give Me That Cereal

When we first started feeding Drew cereal he hated it!!! Once he got it in his mouth the funny faces started. He would look at us like "this is the worst thing I've ever tasted" and "why are you doing this to me mommy?". Then he would turn his face away from the spoon and lock his mouth shut. We would then wait a couple days and then try again to see if his tastes had changed. Then finally Wednesday, after about six failed attempts, Drew decided that cereal was the greatest thing he had ever tasted. As you can see in the photo he started grabbing the spoon to get it into his mouth on his own. He downed his bowl eating like he was a starving little boy who hadn't eaten in days. It was such a change from the previous times that were filled with gagging faces and pursed lips.
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1 comment:

Kristen said...

how funny! It's good to hear that it's not just Ainsley who grabs the spoon! It sure does make for a harder time feeding her. I'm glad Drew's enjoying the cereal now!