Cade is now four months old. It's amazing how fast time is going by with him. He's already such a big boy. I'm sorry that I don't have a picture to go with this post to be able to show you my chunky little man. We have about a million pictures to get off the camera and Mitch always takes it with him so he can take pictures at the house on his way home.
At Cade's 4 month check last week he was 16 lbs 10 oz and 26" long, both in the 80th percentile. He's gotten so big recently. A few weeks ago I noticed he was outgrowing his 6 month clothes so I got out the 9 month and they were pretty snug. It's crazy that he pretty much skipped right into the 12 month size and he is only 4 months.
He is still the best little baby. He's so happy all the time and sleeps like an angel. At night he'll sleep 12 hours and even nap good during the day. He usually has a smile on his face. He's really enjoying talking to and playing with all his little animal friends on his play mat now. He's almost rolling over but hasn't quite finished it yet. He loves his brother and is fascinated by everything he does. Drew can always get a smile out of Cade no matter whether he's trying or not.
Last week, Cade started eating cereal which he LOVES and can't quite seem to get enough of. It's so funny watching him learn how to swallow food. After just a couple times, he started opening his mouth wide to get a bite and grabbing the spoon to help shove it into his mouth. He's so funny. Due to his sensitive little tummy, we're going to have to take the food thing slow and watch him closely for sensitivities/allergies. I'm so excited to be able to make my baby food again. I really enjoyed doing that for Drew and am looking forward to doing it for Cade. I just need to get all my stuff out of storage so I can have all my supplies.
Hopefully I'll have pictures soon. My plans for tonight just got canceled so maybe I'll be able to go thru all the pics we have. Wish me luck!!