Friday, June 18, 2010

Cool New Apron

Super talented Aunt Kristen made this apron for Drew and we LOVE it. He loves to wear it around the house and help me cook dinner. It is so cute. Thanks Kristen.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

May Pictures

I've posted some pictures from May so you can catch up on our little guys. Cade is growing like crazy. The last few weeks I think he grew a ton....he wouldn't stop eating. As soon as he finished a bottle, it was like he was starving again. He's really getting good with holding his head and upper body up during his tummy time and getting noticeable stronger every day. He has really started trying to stand and push off with his legs. Smiles are now constantly pasted across his face which is the best thing ever. Nothing is better than a happy baby. He's especially happy first thing in the morning. I love getting him out of bed and being greeted by the biggest smiles ever. He's also trying to laugh and "talk". I just love this stage right now. Especially since he also sleeps so good. Right now he's sleeping 10 hours at night which is awesome. His napping during the days isn't quite as great but I'll take the night sleep over naps any day.

Drew is also doing really well. He has finally decided that potty training isn't so bad. I stopped using pull ups for the most part to see if that would help. He never cared when he pottied in them so I thought we would see how he did in real underwear. He's only had a couple accidents this week which I'm really pleased with. I'm hoping we're well on our way to being fully potty trained. That would be so great. Now if I could just figure out how to get him to tell me he has to go. He's only done that a couple times and I've tried to reinforce it with "bonus" M&Ms. If he keeps doing good on the toilet he's going to be fat from all the M&Ms. Oh well, at least I won't have to buy any more diapers or pull ups. :)