Saturday, March 13, 2010

Winter Pics

Shocking I know, but I've posted some pics from the last couple months. They include going to state wrestling in Missouri to watch my cousin Levi place second, Drew's birthday, playing outside in the snow, and Drew as our future wrestler. Enjoy!!!


I can't believe that in a little over two weeks we'll be having our new little baby. It seems like I've been waiting FOREVER and can hardly wait any more, but at the same time, I don't know if I'm quite ready yet to do this again. Today Mitch put the car seat in the van which now looks really weird with two seats. Two kids....really I'm going to have two?!?!?!? Drew was really excited about the baby's seat being in the car. I wasn't sure how he would react since we moved him to the other side of the van. He was super excited almost yelling about how he had a seat and the baby had a seat, so that was good to see. I'm hoping that he handles the baby well. I'm not sure that he'll be the biggest fan of some little crying being that needs lots of attention coming to live with us. I'm sure it will go from lots of hugs and kisses for the baby to wanting mommy to put him/her down and then back to kisses and being helpful.

I thought I was very ready for the baby to come until I realized all I had left to do. I knew we had to still pick out a boy name because we've never come up with one. I'm realizing that it's going to be a last minute thing for us to agree upon one. We had a girl name until yesterday. At my appointment, the nurse asked if we had our name picked out and I told her that we only had a girl name. When she asked what it was I blurted it out and realized I HATED the way it sounded when I said it. That started a whole freak out in my head which was followed by the doctor wanting to have a conversation about C-sections which was terrible. Here's the gist of what she told me.....she's going to cut some vital organs on accident, cut the baby but not so bad that it will leave a giant scar, I'm going to get HIV when I have to have a blood transfusion for whatever reason, and oh yeah, since I have a fibroid and have 10 lb. babies, my uterus isn't going to properly contract after the procedure and they are going to have to do a hysterectomy. Are you kidding me!!!!! I'm sure everything will work out fine but it's not nice to get a pregnant woman all hysterical. I'm perfectly capable of doing that all on my own right now (just ask Mitch). I really don't need her adding fuel to the flame.