Friday, July 24, 2009

Talk, Talk, Talk

For about the last three weeks, Drew has been a talking fool. He learns at least one new word a day and immediately incorporates it into his daily vocabulary. It seems amazing that all we have to do is tell him a word once and then bam he uses it all the time. It's so fun to see how much he learns every day.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Glorious Bug Bombs

When we got back from our trip to Dallas we arrived home to a house infested by earwigs and other creepy crawlies. Earwigs are so nasty and they have been everywhere in our house. I kill about five at a time which totally grosses me out.

While we were going to be gone for the 4th weekend we decided it would be a good time to try and bomb the house. We got the van all packed up on Friday morning and Drew and I headed outside. Mitch stayed behind in the house and set off three bug bombs. He walked out as the house filled with poisonous smoke and the smoke detectors blaring. Upon our arrival home on Sunday we found no bugs crawling around. It was so great to only see dead little bodies lying around. I love dead bugs!!!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A Week of Firsts

So today Drew got his first time out. He is absolutely driving me crazy. He has suddenly either become possessed or at 17 months has started the terrible twos. It is constant fits and tantrums every time he doesn't immediately get what he wants. If this keeps up I don't think I'm going to make it. Back to the time out - he has been picking at the paint under one of the windows in our dining room. A couple weeks ago he peeled off a big piece of the wall. Mitch glued it back on and then Drew did it again the other day only this time he tore it off. Now part of our red wall is missing. So this morning I was sweeping up some ants I found in the living room (disgusting!!!!) and looked over and saw Drew behind the curtain in the dining room. I immediately knew what he was doing. When I got over there I saw him pulling off little bits of paint from the same spot he took his big piece from. I was so mad because he knows he's not supposed to be doing that and you can tell this by the way he sneaks over there and acts when he gets caught. So I decided he was going to have a time out. On the way over to set him on the stair I see the entry way covered in envelopes which he got into while I had gone outside to get ant killer. Ahhhh!!!!!! I set him on that step and told him to stay there. I think that was the first time he has ever really listened to what I said the first time. He did not move off that step until the timer went off and I explained that he could move again. I didn't think there was any way that he was going to sit there so I was pleasantly surprised that he actually did it.

On Sunday while we were at my parents house Drew had to take a nap so I put him on the porch in his pack n play. He instantly started screaming and crying because he wanted to be in the living room with everyone else. A couple minutes later it got quiet and Drew started to open the door from the porch to the living room. He had escaped from bed. Mitch went and put him back and a couple minutes later he was back out. So that's awesome; I don't' know how we'll travel with him anymore if he won't stay in bed.

This morning I heard a thump from the baby monitor followed by some crying. I got up and went to Drew's room and was met by him opening the door. He is only 17 months old and is climbing out of his crib. Now we have to figure out what to do with him. I wasn't ready at all to move him to a big bed. There's no way that he'll stay in bed and go to sleep at night or for naps. But we can't leave him in the crib and have him get hurt as he climbs out. Since he was born he's been in such a hurry to grow up. I guess we should have known that we were going to have our hands full when he could already hold his head up at birth and preferred standing on your lap in the hospital instead of being cuddled. My goal now is to harness this strength and energy and turn him into an Olympic athlete. I just need to pick a sport. :)

Trip to Dallas

Two weeks ago today we headed down to Dallas for a long weekend. We had such a great time getting to see Heath, Kristen and Ainsley. Since they've moved so far away we only get to see them a couple times a year. I'm glad it finally worked out that we could travel down to see them. The trip went pretty well. Drew did awesome during the long car rides. He read lots of books, played with some of his favorite toys along with some new ones I had picked up for him, and watched some Veggie Tales and Sesame Street. We were shocked when we got home how well the trip back had gone. The only problem we had is that our air conditioning didn't work very well. It would quit after an hour or two and then it wouldn't blow any air. It got pretty hot a few times which become a little miserable. Otherwise the new van worked wonderfully for us. It was great to have so much space. It was nice being able to go back and sit with Drew when I needed to.

I love that Drew has a cousin that's only 13 days older than him. It's just sad that they don't get to play together that often. I have so much fun watching the two of them play together. It's so funny how different they are but how well they play. Drew is absolutely crazy and full of energy 24-7. Ainsley seems to be more laid back and relaxed. It was funny that when they came together and started playing, Drew seemed to take on a little of Ainsley's character and toned the crazy down which was a nice break.

After we got home I noticed that Drew had picked up a few of the things we noticed Ainsley doing. Drew loves, loves, loves milk. He would drink it all the time if we would let him. He's only allowed to have a glass at breakfast, lunch, and supper. The rest of the day he has to drink water - which he drinks a lot of as well. Well, while in Dallas I noticed Drew watching/studying Ainsley. She doesn't drink milk as well during her meals so she gets to ask for the drinks of milk after dinner. Drew watched her do her sign for milk and then her mom or dad would go and get her a drink. Drew would just stare like he had seen Ainsley perform some sort of magic trick. When we got home he kept trying to use the sign he had seen her use in hopes of automatic drinks. It makes me laugh every time. He's so funny.