I can't believe it's been a month and a half since I last posted. I'm very, very, very sorry Paige. I'm still working on getting some pictures for you to see. I promise that by the end of the weekend there will be pictures from Drew's birthday party.
On the house front, we had two people come and look this week. There's been a real dry spell but it seems to be picking up now that the weather is getting better. The first couple liked the house but aren't in a big hurry to make a decision. There's another house that they're looking at so we just have to wait and see if anything happens with them. The second couple, didn't actually make it into our house. Their realtor couldn't get the lock box to work so they're coming back next week. We really want to get this place sold b/c we're sick of being in limbo. We can't move forward with our new house until this one is sold so it's becoming stressful.
Let's see...what can I say about Drew. The boy is all boy and is CRAZY. He is so funny and constantly has me cracking up. I just can't believe that someone so small with really no vocabulary can have me laughing as much as he does. He is just such a little comedian. The best part is that he's like his mommy in that he also thinks he's funny.
He has nine words now that he actually knows what they mean. Like when he sees a puppy he says puppy...or at least his version of puppy. Then there are other words that we can get him to say but I don't think he associates them with anything. He is really getting good with listening and understanding what we're saying. For example, when I picked him up at the sitter's yesterday he came running over to me like normal. He had a toy in his hand and I asked him to go put it away. I never know what to do...do I just drop the toy on the floor or what do I do. There's a baby gate between me and the room so it's not like it's easy to get into the room. Anyway, Drew took the toy and handed it to Debbie. I was so proud of him.
Drew is starting to really assert his independence. He wants to be a big boy and do things for himself. It's great to see him growing up being able to do more and more but it also makes me sad that he doesn't need me as much anymore. This is also accompanied by some changes in his behavior. We've seen some real frustration come out and witnessed a few minor meltdowns. I know there's a lot more to come as he gets older so I'm a little scared.
Well, that's really all I've got for now.