Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a Big Boy

Even though Drew only has one bottle a day, whenever he sees a bottle now he lunges towards it, grabs it, and shoves it into his mouth. He's no dummy and knows where his food comes from. I just can't believe how much he's grown and yesterday I laid him down to let him see if he could feed himself a whole bottle. He just laid there and ate without any problems. He's such a little stud.....and I think he knows it.


I've gotten a lot of requests for pictures lately. I know I've been bad but I think that getting them off the camera is a pain. You can check out our picture link to find the latest.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Wonderful Hard Working Husband

As you know, we are tirelessly trying to get our house ready to sell. We had a giant list (I'm not was a full sheet of poster size paper) of things that needed to be accomplished before we could put the house on the market. Thanks to the hard work of my parents, we were able to knock a lot out one weekend in April and Mitch's dad spent a Saturday helping Mitch out. Since then, Mitch and I have been working when we can to get the rest finished. We are realizing it is very hard to do with a small child though. There were big things that we needed to hire someone to come and do - lay carpet in the office and paint the outside of the house. Mitch had been calling different people to try and get them lined up to do these things but has not had very good luck with getting anyone to call back or to show up when they said they would. Thanks to my dad, we were able to get a painter out to our house to give us an estimate but my dear husband was not willing to part with the amount of money that she was asking for. He decided he would rather paint the house himself. He has since changed his mind and is continuing his search for a reasonably cheap painter if anyone knows of one. On Saturday, we laid out the carpet to be sure it was going to fit in the office upstairs. While we were talking about what we were going to do, Mitch suggested just refinishing the hard wood floors that are in the room since he can't get anyone to come do the carpet. We decided that instead of paying someone to come lay carpet, we would spend the money to rent a sander and get supplies to make the floors look nice. Mitch had already done Drew's room so he knew what he was getting into. So, off to Home Depot we went Saturday night and rented a sander. (There's a whole other story in there. When we went to leave H.D. the truck wouldn't start and that started an hour long drama.) Once we finally got home, Mitch spent Saturday night and Sunday making the floors look BEAUTIFUL. It looks so much nicer than carpet. He does such good work!!!! I love that everything in our house looks nice because of us and our families. I think it makes it that much better.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Another Tooth

Yesterday Drew got another bottom front tooth. I can't get over the fact that he has teeth now. It's crazy!!!! He grabbed my finger tonight and shoved it in his mouth. Wow, those teeth are SHARP.

This afternoon we had Drew's pictures taken. He's five months old tomorrow and these were the first professional pictures we've had taken of him. I'm a bad mom. We went to Penny's and I was slightly disappointed in what they did. The girl wasn't very good at getting him to smile and she only did boring poses, used an ugly background, and made him have some dumb bear in three pictures (out of 10!!!). I had told her we wanted to be in some pictures with Drew but she didn't do any. I know I can't be mad about any of it because I should have spoke up and told her what I wanted to change.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy Few Days

Drew had an eventful weekend. On Thursday he had his first hair cut. His hair was out of control and had to be tamed. I was tired of getting places and having it sticking straight up and/or all over the place all day. He was looking pretty silly so we knew it was time. Mitch cut it while I held him and we were both shocked at how well he did. My baby no longer looks like a baby. He really looks like a little boy now. I'll post pictures later. Then on Friday he got to meet Uncle Heath, Aunt Kristen, and cousin Ainsley who live in Dallas. He seemed to really enjoy playing with Ainsley which was great to see. We definitely need to work on his sharing though....more about that later. Then Sunday night, Monday, and Monday night were terrible. Drew woke up twice Sunday night, four times Monday night and cried pretty much all of Monday. Waking up at night is not at all normal for my child. He has been an excellent sleeper for a very long time. We couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong with him. Then yesterday morning my mom called and said she had found a tooth!!! I thought I had felt it on Monday but Drew doesn't cooperate with you trying to feel his gums. Mom said she and Dad both felt it and there was definitely a little tooth coming through. I just can't believe how fast he's growing up.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

4 Month Check Up

This morning was Drew's 4 month appointment (even though he's about 4.5 months now). The nurse couldn't get over how long his legs and toes were. He's still very tall - 27 inches which puts him in the 95th percentile. He hasn't gained as much weight lately and fell to the 85th percentile (I think...that's what the nurse told us and wrote down but the doctor said 75th) at 17 pounds 3 ounces. The doctor said he is doing great and her only concern is for us because he's so active right now and there's so much more to come. She said that as soon as he figures his arms out we better watch out. We have already figured this out since he flips onto his tummy and then "crawls" about four feet before you even know what's going on. I don't call it true crawling since he doesn't pick up his upper body. He just gets up on his knees or toes and pushes himself forward while keeping his face and upper body on the floor. It really doesn't look comfortable at all!! He should be pretty happy when he can learn to move without all the discomfort. She also got to witness how he hates to just sit. It's just constantly up and down. When we told her how he loves his cereal she told us to start fruits and veggies with him now. I am planning on making my own baby food so we stopped at the store on the way home to pick up some things. I'm hoping to get started this afternoon and am super excited to be able to stock my freezer with good food for him. I like knowing what's going into his tummy and knowing that I'm saving so much money doing it. We'll see how it works out.

Gotta Make Room

For those of you who don't have children you probably think that what I'm about to talk about is inappropriate. For those who have children, you understand that at this point, my life pretty much revolves around feedings and diapers. Drew has recently decided that every time he starts eating cereal he needs to fill his diaper. He'll be eating great and then all of a sudden he stops swallowing and gets this look of complete concentration on his face. And then it happens and there is no denying why he stopped eating. It's as if he determines that food is going into his tummy now so clearly it makes sense to poop to make room. So, then I have to clean him up, get him out of the highchair, change his diaper, get him back into the highchair, strap the bib back on and continue the meal. The most annoying part of all of this is that he doesn't ever do it when Mitch feeds him. It's only EVERY TIME I feed. I guess he truly is Daddy's little man.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Rolling Machine

A couple weeks ago Drew rolled over for the first time. Since then we saw him do it one other time. That is, until yesterday. When I went to get him up from his nap he was in his crib on his tummy looking around. This was very exciting because we've been waiting for his rolling to become a regular thing. After I fed him, I laid him down on his play mat and he started flipping right away. He's not yet able to get back onto his back so once he gets frustrated we have to give him some help and flip him back. He spent most of his afternoon perfecting his rolling skills probably rolling about 20 times. We thought that was pretty good since it was the first day he had rolled more than once.